This week, I weighed in at 206.8, so that means I'm back on track! Yay for Weight Watchers. There's something I dislike about having to pay to lose weight, but clearly this method works for me when I don't abandon it.
There are a few things I want to address as far as Weight Watchers is concerned and how to eat healthy properly. While it's a good program and it works, some of the pre-packaged things have a TON of salt, and only 2500 mg of salt is recommended daily. I know not everyone is readily concerned with things like that, but you honestly should be. High blood pressure is a dangerous, silent killer. Many people have high blood pressure and don't even know it! Or, they're on medicine for it, and STILL have high blood pressure but they think because they're on the medicine, it's fine. It's not. Watch your salt as you go on your Weight Watchers journey because I've seen too many people in the various offices I've worked at that have high blood pressure and ignore it or didn't even know it.
I DO like that it counts fat and carbs. This helps keep sugar at a low which is good! We all love a little sugar and that's fine, moderation is key, and with Weight Watchers moderation is how you get through the day. YES you can eat whatever you want, but that whatever you want may cost you all your daily points.
They have revised the website since I was on it last, which I love. It has more helpful hints and ways to track healthy activity and choices. It has tips on how to survive at home, work, and eating out even! And you can customize it to what helps you most.
Anyway, while I may not be 198 like I was in July, I'm getting closer, and quicker! I mean just a few weeks ago I was 213 pounds. I feel like all my goals are in reach, if I can JUST stick to this. The willpower to stick to a healthy eating ISN'T easy, but I find that after a year and a half I'm getting tired of going back and forth. The best thing I can say, is that I'm reading more labels, and realizing what triggers my stomach issues, what doesn't, and I'm looking at foods for nutritional value more often that not. What does this food provide MY body?
What does your food give you?