Friday, June 28, 2013

Progress Report of Sorts

My ankle keeps flaring up.  Every time it feels good, I try to work out and then BAM, swollen, painful to walk's pissing me off.

On the upside, I am monitoring my food intake pretty well.  Have I "cheated" yes.  Of course.  You need that IN MODERATION and only ONCE IN A WHILE.  I try to allow myself a "cheat dessert" once a week.  Yesterday it was some peanut clusters.  I still went down in weight.  :)

The big thing I've noticed is having a calendar to countdown to something (in this case, my own wedding) that I can cross off every day, mark how I FEEL I did with my food (I never put calroies, etc.  If I feel like I ate healthy I put a smiley face) and see the countdown.  I have 120 days until my wedding.  :)  And, the other benefit, is that while I do log my weight on I mark it on my calendar every Monday and I can see a growing trend DOWNWARD.  Is it as much as I'd like?  No, but at this pace I'm set to lose about 16 pounds before my wedding and while I feel like I'm losing at a snails pace, it's really nice to see just how much I may lose if I continue this up and that there is a downward trend, and that I'm not just floating along.

And that was my problem before, I felt like I was just floating along, up and down up and down, and then I'd give up because I didn't feel like I was losing, and in reality, I probably was.  Wish I hadn't given up now, I'd be slimmer already!!!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Doing my best

I'm losing weight at a snails pace right now.  .5 pounds or less a week for the past few weeks.  At this rate, I'll only lose 8 more pounds before the wedding, which is NOT acceptable.  I think I can do better.

Eating has been a main issue, though I can't say the ankle injury is helping at all.  It still is pretty bad and is limiting my choices of exercise.  I can do elliptical for a bit, I can bike for longer.  I can't really walk as much as I'd like, no lunges, no jumping jacks, no jump know, those things that are pretty much staples of Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred...I did start it again this morning.  I eliminated the things I couldn't do and did substitutes.  It definitely doesn't make for as good a workout but whatever.

I will attempt to try and do 30 minutes on the bike when I get home tonight. Problem is, I leave at 7:40 in the morning and don't get home until 7:40 at night.  It makes the motivation a bit more difficult when you've been gone all day and up since 5:55 am.  And you have to fit eating sometime in there too!

Anyway, I can just try to be 10 times better with the food and hope for the best!  At least weight loss is weight loss and NOT a gain!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Ankle Update

Just a quick update:  Just a .2 pound loss this week, lol.  With my ankle being the way it is I tried to stay as much on food as possible and I did have one REALLY, REALLY bad day, but it seems I've made up for it.

I can't do much walking or anything or my ankle flares up and I have even been wearing a brace.  I can't decide if I want to just push through the pain or what.

Staying on track with food will be my best choice at this point because I really don't want to screw up the ankle but I'm frustrated that I can't continue with the 30 Day Shred the way it was meant to be used.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

30 Day Shred - Day 10 - More ankle woes

After staying off of my ankle almost all day yesterday and wearing a damn brace on it, I was truly hoping it would be better.  However, just standing on it for the duration of my shower and morning ritual it was starting to get irritated which leads me to admit defeat.  I can't continue this program and hope to see results.  I just can't do the cardio portion or some of the compound moves.

I'll have to do some other video for now, maybe just the strength training portions of the Women's Health Wedding Workout.

It's really quite disappointing.  I've seen amazing before and after pictures and was really hoping to propel myself to some stunning changes, especially with only 136 days left to my wedding, but an injury will never heal if you don't let it.

Whatever the case may be I am watching my food really well and have gone from the 212 I was at to 208 as of today in 10 days.  I'll take it!  No complaints as I knew that food was my biggest battle but I don't want to be fan skinny I want to be fit.  We all know the difference!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

30 Day Shred - Day 9

Day 9 = total disappointment.  Yesterday my ankle swelled so bad at work when I took my shoe off you could see where the top of it had been.  It was disgusting.

So I kind of HAVE to stay off of it.  No jumping jacks or lunges for me.  :(  Really pisses me off because seven days in a row was really good and I was feeling really motivated.  Now I'm worried that once healed, I'll have a hard time going back at it.

I am continuing my eating on pace, and can honestly say I'm quite pleased with myself.  I'm home today because my car broke down (4 1/2 months until my wedding, REALLY????) and I haven't managed to eat everything in the cupboards. That's good.  Really good.

Anyone out there by the way?  I'm curious to know if anyone cares?

Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 8 30 Day Shred Challenge- Rest Day.

My ankle HURTS.  Bad.  And since I know I'll be on it all day, I didn't do the DVD today.  My muscles probably would like a rest anyway but I do feel really guilty for not doing the workout.  Thank you Jillian.

On the upside, I'm at 208.8 pounds, so I've definitely lost some weight with it as when I started I was around 212 probably (again, I had a bad food weekend before I started so I didn't weigh myself but only guessed how much I was at)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

30 Day Shred - Day 7 complete!

Last night I felt bad because we ate at Sweet Tomatoes and I went JUST over my calories, so I did do some extra elliptical work as well.

Day 7 went well today.  No complaints.  I got up and worked out right away without really thinking about it so that's good.  My endurance is getting better but as far as other physical changes I'm honestly not sure if anything has happened yet, but I mean, with this much layer of fat, if there ARE changes I find it hard to believe that I'll be able to see them.

I took before pictures though, so at Day 10 I'll take pictures again and compare, see if I can see anything.  Just three more days left!  Then I get a rest day if I choose to do so!